Before my son was born, I could eat anything I wanted in the whole world and never gain an ounce. In fact, my whole pregnancy, my weight was exactly the same- did not gain an ounce. Was hoping that when he was born, I would discover that I lost some weight but the day after he was born, I stepped on the scale and was exactly the same!
Five years later, my legs started to bother me- and was astounded to learn that I had gained more than 30 pounds! Was able to go on the cabbage soup diet and in a year had lost 40 pounds and kept it off. Looked great that October- gave a talk in St. Pete beach and wore this tiny little blue suit- had my hair done at ManTrap and my pastor was telling me that he was sure that I'd get married again.
Then Christmas came. People told me that I made the best Christmas cookies in the world and I repaid everyone all those little favors they did every year by making them a big basket of Christmas cookies. Loved them myself too. My absolute favorites are almond crescents- rich and buttery- and to my amazement, by the end of December, had gained 15 pounds (although I might not have gained the weight if I had realized that each and every cookie had 100 calories and 8 grams of fat!). I felt very discouraged and soon it all came back- and my problems with my legs got worse and worse. In another 5 years, it became hard to walk at all- and since I did not have a car- this was a problem!
Eight years ago, I discovered Weight Watchers. The first year there, I lost 30 pounds and then went on a plateau. When I couldn't lose any more, I quit for a while- was looking good, getting positive attention and feeling better- but it wasn't lifetime. To get to lifetime, I would have had to lose any 40 pounds. For a few years, I maintained the weight then heard about the Maker's Diet and started consuming butter and eggs and all those good things we heard were good for us as children and learned were poison as adults. Quickly gained all my weight back- to be fair to the diet, I did not cleanse my body or take those weekly fast days- just added all that fat and cholesterol!
Three years ago, went back to Weight Watchers because I learned that if I didn't, I would gain at an alarming rate. Last year, I gained 14 pounds on Weight Watchers. To be fair to Weight Watchers, I didn't track my points on the weekends- which is deadly! Then in September, quit Weight Watchers to try Desired Image where I lost 14 pounds in 3 months but the loss became more gradual when I discovered that every medicine they were giving me, I was allergic to- even the B-12! However, I did find that their 900 calorie a day diet worked well and helped me to lose a pound a week- and still allowed me to eat all I wanted on weekends! Now I'm back on Weight Watchers trying to use what I learned at Desired Image- incorporate that into the plan- and see if I can maintain the progress.
Another thing that helps a lot is walking. Over the past 6 months, have worked up to about 3 miles a day. It still takes about an hour but find that is improving over time- if I don't keep injuring my feet. Still recovering from dropping a one quart casserole dish full of food on my big toe!
Often, when I have failed on my journey, I have become discouraged- and then have a long hard slide back on the weight loss journey. Last week, Chris Hubbard, my weight watchers leader- told me that failure is feedback. It was a revolutionary concept to me.
This year, my son told me that we were not going to have another diet Christmas- that he wanted goodies and he wanted me to make them! Maybe I should have told him to make them himself- and keep them in his bedroom! But I wanted some goodies myself- and we made a gingerbread cake house (see Dec 25th post). The cake prepared out of the box has 200 calories and 5 grams of fat- but if I have one or two pieces per day- and make them a little smaller than full size- it is not so bad. Failure is feedback. Christmas celebrations can kill your weight loss plan. Depriving yourself may lead to over-indulgence and that will kill your plan too. But a little bit of cake- once or twice a day- with 900 calories that contain all the good food guidelines (whole grain foods, 8 oz lean protein, 2 fruits, 3 vegetables- 2 of them 0 points, and 3 dairy exchanges per day)- lots of water and good exercise- and last week I lost 0.6 pounds (with my Christmas goodies!).
Now if I want to make goal this year, I need to lose 1.5 lbs per week- that is going to be some hard work. But I am planning to go to New York in October,see Trump Tower, and maybe see Donald Trump. For that I want to be down 55 pounds from my current weight- but if I want to make lifetime this year, I would have to be at goal weight which is 75 lbs down from here. Never ever give up- failure is feedback- onward and upward- wagons ho!
Off to get ready for my walk! See you next week!
This is Mary Rose's Garden. Everyone has a garden- even those who don't grow plants- and in that garden we find all the people who nourish you, surround you and support you. And from that garden, we come to a place where we gather wisdom and bloom. This is a place where I can share my wisdom, my story, and my insight- so that others can bloom in the garden too- and the world can be a more beautiful place,
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Walked one hour at a moderate pace this AM.
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