Making progress. Can't say enough how the only way to see that you are making progress is to record where you have been. Today, I went to Curves- just getting started again. Last time I got started was a year ago and maybe went 3 times- but I've been working- you've all seen me. So it was great to see that since March 2012, I've lost nearly 14 pounds and more than 16 inches! And if I keep my goal- will be able to report that I've made 200 visits to Curves in my lifetime by the end of next week!
Feel like I'm living the Discipline of Self Esteem again. New insight- the Discipline of Self-Esteem and the Addition Principle are more closely linked than I thought. You can't build discipline without starting- so you need to make the first step- and those steps add up bit by bit. The principle of inertia states that a body in motion remains in motion- so once you start- then there is some momentum- and building that momentum leads to success- at least according to Donald Trump:
"To be a big success in any field you need to build momentum. Momentum is all about energy and timing. " - Think BIG
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 16, 2013
And so- to build the Discipline of Self-Esteem, you have to start somewhere- anywhere- do anything- as in the Addition Principle. That start will build energy and create momentum. As for timing, I believe that in building self-esteem- the moment is when you decide to start. Every second sitting on the couch feeling awful is a moment wasted- and our life is to short to waste moments.
the song that has been running through my head lately is "Every drop of rain, every grain of sand, makes the mighty ocean and the pleasant land. Never let a minute, lie upon the shelf- for in that little minute is all of life itself..." It's a Judy Garland song on a record my Mom bought for us when I was seven.
As for quoting Donald, I'll try as much as possible, to let you know the GOOD stuff that Donald posts. He has two minds- the inner mind that is as good as they come- and that has advice that people would do well to follow- and an outer mind of half-baked ideas that are formed from reading things that agree with his opinions and ignoring the rest- and those we should all ignore because they are what they are. For more on this idea- you should see Mark Bittman's post today. And I shall try- with all my heart to do my best to bring you the best of what my inner mind produces. Until tommorow!