Friday I bought milk but found out that I had a quart left- and if we didn't find a recipe to use it- that milk would go bad... My son suggested that we make cream cheese- after all, you can make cream cheese from yogurt and yogurt from cream cheese- so why not make cream cheese? So yesterday, I bought a small container of plain yogurt and this is the result!
How did I do it? I took a quart of milk and gently heated in the microwave until it was just barely lukewarm - just heated it 30 seconds at a time until it stopped feeling cold. Then I added 3 tablespoons of the plain yogurt and simply put it out on my porch (hot day) for about 7 hours in a covered container. It made a yummy creamy yogurt! Then I brought it inside, lined a strainer with cheese cloth (you want a nice thickness), placed it over a bowl, and covered it. Before I went to bed, I drained the liquid to make sure that the yogurt wouldn't be sitting in whey overnight. After about 3 hours- had over a cup of whey sitting in the bowl. Left it sitting overnight. Knew it was done because there was no more dripping liquid- and voila- some creamy cream cheese! It isn't a block like regular cream cheese- but this is just yummy! So next time, you have a little extra milk- don't let it go bad- make cream cheese! This is really easy!