Yesterday, the goal listed on Ivanka Trumps Half Marathon Plan was to run for 45 minutes. As last night was a Zumba night (30 minutes of aerobics), I decided to add a 15 minute walk at lunch to my routine. It was a great decision. Thirty years ago, I used to go for a walk around FMHI just to clear my head and decide where to go with my analyses and got into trouble for 'being weird'. But yesterday, I encountered three pairs of walkers on their lunch breaks doing the same thing but all going in the direction opposite mine. Turns out that the loop around FMHI is now a designated walking trail on the USF Wellness Walking Trails, so it's not weird any more! Not that I would have minded being weird- I'm used to it - maybe even proud of it- because it means that I blaze my own trails. And walking around with my IPad to get my Walkmeter app to track the walk was definitely different.
It was a great way to spend 15 minutes. It still clears my head and it was a great day to walk. Started the walk going down the stairs normally. Can't tell you how happy that makes me! If you ever get to the point, that you can't walk down the stairs like a normal person- find a way to get some strength training for your legs. Women- Curves has been the best way for me because it is just not complicated and no matter what your health- you can manage most of the machines. I've worked my way back from pain twice in my life by doing the Curves circuit three times a week.
Anyway- after coming down the stairs I decided to set out around the circle and see where I'd be in 7.5 minutes. Turns out that I was exactly in the middle of the loop! So now I know a good 15 minute course- for now. This time next year, I hope it is a 7 minute course! And on the way back, I went up the stairs! Last month, the elevator was broken and I had to up the stairs. I basically pulled myself up by grabbing the rail and dragging first one step, then the other- in pain all the way and exhausted at the top. This time I just walked up🌠. And I was done walking .84 miles in less than 20 minutes! This is progress from just this Sunday! At that point, I was doing .75 miles in 20 minutes! So I added at least .1 mile in less than a week!
Hope this encourages all of you to keep moving!
Today's goal is to do my new Friday night routine: Curves followed by Fantastic Sam's- putting in my Pizza Hut order during my blow dry and bringing home supper! What really makes this convenient is that Fantastic Sam's is on the way home from Curves- and Pizza Hut is in the same shopping center as Fantastic Sam's- so it all feels like a breeze! Let you know how it goes!
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