Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Ten thousand gifts in ten thousand days- more or less

I was looking at my long neglected penny jar the other day.  I read somewhere that if you estimated the number of weeks of life left, filled a jar with that many pennies, and took a penny out of the jar on Saturday morning that it would motivate you to make each week worth living.  But I never remember!  So there is this full jar and I wondered how many pennies should be left.  As I was trying to reason this out, I came up with the notion of 10,000 days- and that seemed a wonderful number of days to do beautiful things- bring gifts to the world.  That would have me in my 95th year- so it’s both likely I will never get there- but also possible that I may surpass the goal- so it’s a good number.

The day started out with someone reminding me about Christmas pageants- so I went to The Story of Our Faith from Creation to the Birth of Jesus and saw that this would be a good gift for today.  It not only outlines a pageant that was truly memorable but gives you hints on putting together costumes with little effort.  Some sew great things- but I’m a little bit time challenged so give me the easy way!

I’ve been thinking about Jesse Trees lately and just purchased a beautiful set of readings that comes with a little tree and ornaments- The Wonder of the Greatest Gift.  It just happened to arrive in the mail yesterday!  I think that wonder is the greatest gift that God can give us- so I’m passing a little wonder on.

Think that reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas and the wonder of creation is a pretty good gift for today.  Hope your day is full of wonder.

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