Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Changes and Wonderings

Yesterday, I pointed someone to my Wonder Child poem.  Then I read it.  Most of the time, when I re-read my stuff, I'm astounded by how profound it is.  But today, I was very surprised to find that while I still loved my poem, the explanation at the bottom was so angry.  Obviously, I've changed a lot.  Today, I see this poem as being all about how people seek self-esteem.  There are all the invalid ways of seeking self-esteem- escapism, addictive behavior (food, drink, sex, accumulating possessions, power, and fame), dominating, belittling and controlling others.  These are all ways to make you artificially feel better.  Then there is the discipline of self-esteem way.  When you have the discipline of self-esteem, you understand who you are in relation to God, who you were created to be, and you are being that person.  Today is the first day of Lent.  The Sunday readings of Lent Cycle A taught me a lot about this discipline right after I wrote this poem.  This year, I plan to make the journey again and take you with me.  When you are living the Discipline of Self-Esteem, you are being the Wonder Child. Your soul flies.  My soul flies when I am writing, when I am talking about family and memories, when I am solving an extremely complicated problem, when I am in the garden- when I see my garden of accomplishments and dreams bearing fruit- when I look and feel beautiful. I really think that the best examination of conscience you can do is to ask yourself if you feel like a wonder child.  If you do, then all is right in your world.  If not, then something needs to be fixed.  Hope to write something every day.  Not planning a structure because I always ignore it anyway- just living one day at a time and finding things for my Wonder Child to love!

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