Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Update October 14

Not being true to my resolve to update weekdays.  I'm in the middle of re-organizing my home after having the counter-tops refinished and getting new flooring throughout half my apartment.  Things are so much easier to clean but there is so much to do!  Verizon took down my personal website (they did this for all the free space- not just mine) but I saved all the text and pictures, so will be adding them a little at a time.  Tried this morning but my computer wanted me to do a ton of other things which hopefully means I can start tomorrow.  Also wandering around on my own blog and rediscovering it- so hopefully will begin moving posts to the correct tabs(as in new look in the garden).  Also have to systematically reduce the size of my pictures to cut down on loading time and set up a reasonable mobile format for phones.  Isn't life fun?  I think so!

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Great-Grandma Weber's Summer German Potato Salad

 This was a staple at our family's summer outings for as long as I can remember.  My youngest sister asked me for the recipe so I though...