Sunday, May 6, 2012

Growing Lettuce in the Summer

One of the wild things about living in Florida, is that you grow vegetables in the winter and April is harvest time.  If you can keep the plants hydrated, you might be able to get some of them through the summer, but lettuce is gone- the heat prevents seeds from germinating and makes the plant go to seed.  I love greens fresh from the garden in my salads but this can only happen October-April.

I have discovered a way to make this happen- window sill gardening.  I don't even need seeds!  It's hydroponics at it's simplest.  You can grow romaine lettuce from the stump that you would normally throw away.  You can also grow celery and green onions the same way.  I read somewhere that it was important to change out the water everyday. 

For about a week now, I have been taking the stumps from my 3-pack of romaine lettuce hearts and planting the stump when I start a new heart.  When it looks like my green onions have spoiled, I take the tops off and stick them in the jar.  I also cut off the stalk from a bunch of celery about a week ago.  Am also starting to grow some microgreens in an old cheese container- want to start new ones every few days.

Left to right: Lettuce, green onion, celery, lettuce mid-week, lettuce started Tuesday, lettuce started last weekend, lettuce started on Thursday.

Using the  jars because soon I will start running out of room, so will start the new ones on the bottom and put the ones growing out of the jar on the top.  These are quart jars BTW- just to give you an idea of the growth possible.

Will let you know how long things will last from one of these plantings in upcoming weeks.

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