Friday, May 11, 2012

Fairy Bouquets

What do you do with all those herb buds you cut off to keep your herbs from going to seed?  Those cuttings you make to keep the garden from spreading too much?  Those leaves and pieces that fall off the plants or are left over from flower arrangements?  The other day, I was gathering up all those little pieces to throw away and discovered that they looked like little 'fairy bouquets'! So I gathered up my cordial glasses and those pretty tiny bottles I was saving for something, and made these fairy bouquets! Love them.

These have dill, oregano, globe basil buds, thai basil buds, honey suckle blossoms and those big red things are begonia flowers!  Not only do they look cute but they smell great!  They are all gathered around my Virgin Mary statue and I hope they make Our Blessed Mother happy.

Have a great day everyone!

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