Thursday, August 21, 2014

POMP: Evaluating Super Absorbant Polymers

Somewhere I came across a video about Using Diapers to Make Your Plants Grow and I wish that I knew where.  The stuff inside the diapers that absorb all the liquid is called SAP and it helps pants retain moisture.  The video is created by VW - but wanted to see if it was safe- so did a google search and came across A review article on SAP where I learned that these are chemically inert (see safety section at the end) and safe to use.  But I am still a little skeptical.  Anyone know anything about these?

On other experiments, am finding that using those square closet things for plants is not such a great idea- these containers are falling apart but the size is good so am looking for 1 foot cubes to grow things in.  SAP might be good in there because keeping water in the top shelf plants is my biggest problem.  You don't need to get diapers though- you can get this material in plant supply stores.
This is the top side of the planter left as it was.  Mostly volunteer stuff.
This is the closet organizer- Basil dries out and no weeds. Organizer is starting to decompose..
So this experiment worked as far as growing tall plants but is problematic as far as retaining water goes and does not appear to be all that happy a place for plants.

Next week, I hope to show a new crate garden getting started- with pictures through the process of assembly.  Until next week!

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Great-Grandma Weber's Summer German Potato Salad

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